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. The installation method is as follows: First, the Bailey truss is assembled on the rock on the launch bank, and one end of the truss piece is placed on the rock and the other end is placed on the temporary cushion wood.

2. Potkilevyjen päiden tulisi olla johdonmukaisia. A die beam should be placed behind the front vertical bar.The two rows of holes at the bottom of the beam shall be placed into the bolts on the lower chord beam plate of the two truss plates respectively and clamped with the beam clamp. Do not tighten for the time being, tighten the diagonal brace on the beam after installation.

3.Säätä kaksi ristikkokappaletta. Samaan aikaan,should be installed on the front truss beam with a diagonal brace, and the rear of the front vertical rod of the two truss should be installed with a beam clamp, and the beam should be gently tightened without tightening until the diagonal brace on the cross beam on asennettu.

4.Säätä kolmen osan ristikot, asenna tuulensidon sauva ensimmäiseen leikkauslevyyn, asenna diagonaalinen ahdin kaksiosaiseen ristikon levypalkkiin, nenäkehyksen asennus tulee kiertää peräkkäin ja nelikulmion ristikon kanssa Levy tulisi asentaa nenän runkoon.

Postitusaika: 16.6.2023